Comic, sireistic short animated short, 12 min, Stop animated pitch shot, color, 2.39:1, 2K

Director Ignas Meilūnas

Scriptwriters Dangiras Bugas, Ignas Meilūnas

DOP Simonas Glinskis

Production Designer Antanas Dubra

Composer Rytis Koreniukas

Producers Marija Razgutė, Ignas Meilūnas

Production company M-Films (VšĮ „Čiobreliai“), Lithuania

Funds Lithuanian film centre, Lithuania

The Beginning of Shooting 2018 June 1st.


This is a story about a girl who wished to be the smartest in the world. When all the things she’d learned could no longer fit in one head, her mother bought her a backup one. Two heads are better than one, right? But the girl soon became confused which head she should wear when, and shortly lost the second one. It is uncertain what would’ve happened if not for a ball that accidentally flew in through her window – a ball that changed Matilda forever.